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您的位置:首页 > 产品展示 > 射频微波/EMC > Schwarzbeck

Active Antennas


EFS 9218


Active Electric Field Probe with Biconical Elements

9 kHz - 300 MHz

12 µV/m - 65 V/m

const. antenna factor typ. 46 dB/m high symmetry

built in rechargeable battery

The switchable preamplifier improves the antenna factor to 20 dB/m.


EFS 9219


Active antenna holder

high sensitivity (1 µV/m ... 3 V/m)

9 kHz-30 MHz

BBUK 9139 biconical elements required


VAMP 9243


Vertikal active rod antenna

9 kHz - 30 MHz


reduced noise floor

with mounting nut for AM 9144 and rechargeable battery


上一篇:Near Field Probes

下一篇:Standard Gain Antennas
