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Near Field Probes


FS-SET 7100


Nearfield Probe Set including

HFSL 7101 Active Near Field Probe (magnetic), 9 kHz - 30 MHz

HFSH 7102 Active Near Field Probe (magnetic), 4 MHz - 1000 MHz

EFS 7103 Active Near Field Probe (electric), 9 kHz - 1000 MHz

and Separator EW 7110 and AC/DC adaptor ACDC 7110 in storing case


HFSL 7101


Active Near Field Probe (magnetic),

9 kHz - 30 MHz

(EW 7110 and ACDC 7110 required)


HFSH 7102


Active Near Field Probe (magnetic),

4 MHz - 1000 MHz

(EW 7110 and ACDC 7110 required)


EFS 7103


Active Near Field Probe (electric)

9 kHz - 1000 MHz

(EW 7110 and ACDC 7110 required)


EW 7110


The DC-Separator EW 7110 is used for powering the Probes HFSL 7101, HFSH 7102 and EFS 7103.
The DC-Separator and the named Probes are available in a practical case in FS-SET 7100.
The power adapter ACDC 7110 is required for operation.


ACDC 7110


AC/DC Adapter for DC-Seperator EW 7110


上一篇:Field Probes for Handheld Analyzer

下一篇:Active Antennas
